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Free Entry

Petting Zoo

Our petting zoo is free with an opportunity to buy grain to feed the goats or donate in any one of our donation boxes around the zoo or online.  We ask that you please follow the rules below.  


March 21st-April 9AM-5PM

May-October 9AM-6PM

October-December 9AM-5PM

Zoo Rules

No Outside Food (all food consumed on our property should be purchased on the farm, unless renting our pavilion area)  

Children must be supervised by an adult while visiting

Pets are not allowed in our petting zoo area

No alcoholic beverages permitted

Shoes & shirts are required

Be respectful of animals and their space

Do not put your hands in pens (animals may bite)



Weekend Activities
Closed for the Season

Saturdays & Sundays from 12PM-4PM

Camel Rides start Memorial Weekend

Feeding the Parakeets start Mother's Day weekend

Feed the Parakeets

$1 per stick with peanut butter & bird seed


Camel Rides

$5 per person 

Snowball Bennet's Wallaby.jpeg

Walk with the Wallabies

Free event through the main door to the parakeet barn


Playground Area 

While visiting our animals in the petting zoo area, kids can climb up to our awesome slide or explore our playground equipment.  


Just Some of Our Animals

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